The John Issue

In London, more than anywhere else I have ever lived, people exist as separate entities. We walk down the street with our earphones in and avoid making any kind of connection with each other, apart from moments or mild frustration. In London I am anonymous. Frightening? Sometimes I find it comforting, feeling like I am lost in a crowd and no one is watching, a little person in a big city. There are people that I see everyday that I don’t think should be anonymous and I want you to meet them. They are my Londoners and the first is John.

I asked John if I could interview him and he smiled shyly, brushing his chin against his shoulder and shrugging. Sure. He said and I heard his Irish accent for the first time, for up until now our relationship had not gone further than smiles and nods. Not a native Londoner it seems; just a word and I had already learnt something about him. I also saw, standing so close to him, that he had no top teeth. His upper gum was as smooth as a baby’s (although, I have to admit the first thing that it reminded me of was an old toothless sheep that lived in a field at home, and came to the gate every morning for food because she could not tear the grass).  25 years John had been living in London, originally from Dublin, and here he was selling the ‘Big Issue’ and intimate though I suddenly felt with him, I could not bring myself to ask him why.

The sun was out today, warm September sun, and knowing that the bright light lifts my mood I asked him if he finds that people are more friendly in the sunshine? No. Well yes they are, but in terms of sales I make more when it’s cold. I gets the sympathy vote you see. I wish accents could easily be imprinted on to pages, I wish I could write the way he sounds, a low Irish lilt, I wish I could make you hear it. Imagine it as you read, and you will know him better.

NONSENSIBLE: If you could time travel would you go forwards or backwards?

JOHN: Ummm. Backwards. To the 60’s. I was alive then you see, I’d like to live in that sort of age.

Would you go back to being yourself back then?

            Nooo… I’d just live then.

If you won the lottery what would you spend it on?

Oh, I’d be dead with in a year. I’d have fast cars, fast women and fast food. And I’d die happy.

You’re having friends round for supper; what do you cook.

            Oh I don’t cook. No. Ummm beans on toast. (One of my favourites too).

When you get home do you prefer a cup of tea or a beer?

            A beer.

When you meet someone for the first time, would you rather sit and have a drink, a meal or do something together?

            Just a drink.

[I asked John if he knew ‘Harry Potter’, he assured me that though he knew about it, he had never read or watched it, so I felt asking who he saw himself as was a rather dud question. I rephrased…]

If you were a character from a book or a film who would you be?

(He laughed again and looked up whilst he considered his answer) Do you ever watch the ‘Simpsons’? Well, you know the one in the bar – not Moe, but the one who sits at the bar and drinks? I’d be him. (My research has revealed his name is Barney).

What was the last film you watched?

            ‘The King’s Speech’. Yeah, and it was very good.

What makes you angry?

            Ooh (he smiled), not really any ting. I’m a pretty placid person.

What super power would you have?

            Well… I think I’d be invisible at times.

If you could tell everyone in London one thing, one message, what would it be?

I dunno, but something nice. If you give out nice things you get nice things back. So something nice.  

Katherine de Klee