Matthew Norman, Columnist
If you could time travel would you go forwards or backwards?
I’m not very adventurous. I’d go backwards, I’d go back and sort a few things out in my life.
If you won the lottery what would you spend it on?
A house in Dorset. We rent somewhere there every year. It would be nice to own somewhere.
When you get home do you prefer a cup of tea or a beer?
Oh I don’t know, probably neither and something I shouldn’t say instead. But maybe tea.
You’re having friends round for supper; what do you cook.
Sweet and sour soup and pot sticker dumplings.
When you meet someone for the first time, would you rather sit and have a drink, a meal or do something together?
In my game I’d take them out for a meal I guess. That’s what I like doing.
If you were a character from a book or a film who would you be?
Oh what a question. I think Winston Smith from ‘1984’.
What was the last film you watched?
‘Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy’. And it was terrible. Terrible.
What super power would you have?
Some sort of cooking power? Umm regrowing hair power.
If you could bring something back in to fashion what would it be?
Mohair jumpers. I liked those.
What makes you angry?
Everything and everyone.
If you could tell everyone in London one thing, one message, what would it be?
Clear off. Let’s see what the city looks like when it’s empty.