i am normally mad. are you?
This week is mental health awareness week. This morning I tried to count the amount of times I used mad or crazy or mental in a sentence. I have anesthetised myself to their meanings through habitual use. But what is the measure of madness? Or of sanity. A healthy mind in a healthy body… but I think we have become masters of ignoring our minds and bodies.
Everyday we indulge in self-destructive habits. Drink or smoke or have too much coffee because we think they are things that might calm us down. All it does is numb your body and mind into silence. Is that crazy?
Or maybe madness is passion: too much anger, too much joy. I sometimes suffer from irrational anger or laugh without reason or am unable to explain a mood I am in.
Sometimes I believe things that aren’t true, and wont listen to the explanation. Other times I lie and hope to trick others. I heard it is a form of madness to keep doing the same things over and over and expect different results, but I thought that was optimism.
Sometimes I walk into a room and forget what I went in for. Sometimes conversations I have slip through holes that distraction or tiredness have worn into the back of head.
I have proven, in several trials, that decisions that take hours to make have results that might only last for seconds. Or have no results at all. And that impulsive (mad?) behaviour has effects that might last forever.
But none of these make me more mad than you. They make me as normal as you. We all suffering from ordinary madness.