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Last night I couldn’t sleep. The wind that was blowing in from the South was moaning as it past my windows and rattled my doors on its way to who knows where. Eventually I turned on my light and I made a list. I wrote down all the things I have not yet done or not yet written that I had wanted to write. And then I all the reasons why I thought I hadn’t done them. Silly excuses that looked even worse on paper than they had in my head.

And then there it was; a list of undone things. The capital letters that begun each line a tombstone for the dead, undone thing that lay after it. I thought about putting it up on the wall above my bed, but I burnt it instead. I burnt it to set it free. I do not want those things to be trapped on paper so fire set them lose in air and the ashes blew away. I hope the thoughts come back to life renewed like little phoenixes in my mind.

Until they do I am trying not to feel obligated to write those things. BLOGligated? I am setting myself free of the back log. B[ack]LOG? Get back to the blog?

Katherine de Klee